
The Bibles4Egypt – Canada exists to make the Scriptures in Arabic available to all Arabic speaking communities in Canada and in Egypt, distributing these resources at a non-commercial price. Scriptures are produced in Arabic by the Bible Society of Egypt, the largest publisher of Arabic Bibles in the world and holder of the copyright of the most printed Bible in Arabic.

Bibles4Egypt – Canada will invite Bible scholars from the Bible Society of Egypt and from the Arabic speaking Christian community worldwide to present Bible Study seminars and events to the Arabic Churches in Canada, providing for the needs of Christian communities involved.

Bibles4Egypt – Canada will partner with local donors and churches throughout Canada to generously support the increasing expense, effort, and subsidies required for distributing the Bible to marginalized and under-privileged communities in Egypt that need Scripture and Bible study materials and Bible engagement programs.

We invite you to join us in making God’s Word easily available, affordable, and understandable to Arabic-speaking people in Canada and in Egypt.